Acne Diet – What You Eat Can Cause Acne

Food you consume have a serious relationship with the acne that causes the appearance of acne on your face. Maybe you have already tried various medications but nothing worked very well cure your acne. Surely you’ve heard if there are certain foods that can trigger acne and iu fact is true. But there are foods that act as antioxidants which can get rid of toxins that cause acne occur in your face. You probably already tired of this acne problem, for it would be a good idea to start making changes to the type of food you eat during this diet.
If your diet consists of foods that contain high fat that causes acne on your face. As examples of foods that contain high fat are meat, dairy and poultry products then try to replace it with fish, chicken and flaxseed.

Then introduce more foods that have high protein in it can reduce your jerawa problems, such as egg and chicken samples, which is an excellent source of protein. Or you can even consider a protein shake or protein bar if you might be a person with a very solid routine or busy. How much of your diet in the form of carbohydrates? If more than 40% then you must make some changes. It may surprise you to know that many people who have acne have the daily carbohydrate intake between 60% and 70%. Type your diet should consist of at least two servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Because these foods provide lots of antioxidants that can remove toxins from your body that cause acne. Then replace other foods that often you eat that have a high fat and then see how well you are able to cope with your acne. Drink what you drink every day? Many people drink coffee, soda, and tea. They often use sugar in them as well. These all can cause more problems with acne. Try changing your drinks with mineral water or green tea and you will be able to flush a lot of bacteria and toxins out of your body before they can create acne. If you do not like drinking plain water, add a few slices of lemon or lime juice to it. Try to regulate how much water you drink by the pre-measure it every day. Then you will be able to see how much you consume. You can try a water filter for your tap also because it can enhance the overall flavor of the water supply. Taking a multi vitamin every day can also help you to reduce acne problems.

Keep in mind that it may take several weeks to modify your diet before you see results with your acne. This is because it takes time to start changing the chemical made in the body. Do not be discouraged though and document what you eat and your acne problem. Hopefully, you will be able to see the pattern of improvements that align with eating better foods.

Posted on September 30, 2011, in acne and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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